Sunday, January 23, 2011

Winter Jam 2011

This year i got to go to my first Winter Jam concert and I saw Fracesca Battistelli, she is like AWESOME AMAZINGNESS! She was by far my very favorite singer ever!! There were lots of other bands there too, I like them, but I got most excited when Fracesca was singing, I sang along loudly and danced around... They introduced her as their most beautiful and prettiest one on their tour. (she was the only girl) :) I got a really cool hat that has flashy balls dangling. The Newsboys were really cool too with their movable stages and tilting rotating drummer, the drummer made some awesome faces as he played.
I think God was at this concert.
I cant wait til next year.

Grandma is adding this part:
During one part the main lead singer for the Newsboys was talking about how we are all different colors - we are God's big beautiful bouquet. Sami is listening to this and adds, "I'm the most BEAUUTIFULLLL! flower of them all! ;)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Glacier Canyon

This year for our winter family vacation (and a bisness meating) we went to Glacier Canyon in Wisconsin Dells. It is a really big resort. In the water park area there are water slides, a lazy river, hot tubs, a ride caled the hurricane- where you go straight down and then go into this big cone tilted side ways, you go back an forth agian and again and then go out! There is also more water slides,a ride called the black hole, bumper boats,and a little play area with slides,guns,and water flying and falling every where.
we stayed in room 7201 on the 2 floor it was really really big room!
Some other fun things I also did is lazer tag (i got 3rd), played in a play place called Doge Em City, played games- my favite game was jumping jackpot. With all of our tickets together we had over a 1,000! I picked out a joker type hat with jingle bells. :)
We also ate at Famous Daves one night, i tried new things and found out I REALLY like BBQ ribs!
Now with christmas and winter vacations over, life will probably slow down a little. I wonder what fun and funny things will happen in my family in the next few weeks....

Saturday, January 1, 2011

My Christmas Vacation

This Christmas I have had 8 Christmas Party's! It has been a lot of fun. I have to say, my favorite gift's were: Fred (my sock monkey), my new fuzzy orange game chair, a gift card to Clairs (I LOVE Clairs!!) & some really cute clothes! :) We had a lot of fun this year! We laughed a lot, we ate a lot... We even did a lot of special fun things. We went roller skating, to a bounce house, Silver Dollar City, I saw the movie Tangled, Incredible Pizza, we stayed in a hotel (I also love hotels)!
For New Years Eve we had lots of friends and family over and ate a lot again! We played games and some of us girls even made up dances and plays. :) Our house had some really loud moments! :P